Bowe Country is a duo comprised of Susie and Robert, playing music from a diverse library of styles and genres. From classic bluegrass/Americana to classic rock, country, and even some more modern pop. In the past we’ve included a variety of members and special guests that expand the depth and range of the music. We would like to make the group a trio, with the addition of another guitarist + vocalist to add a bit of depth to the sound.
Susie fronts the group singing and playing the guitar and mandolin. Instruments include Martin Guitars, a Weber Mandolin, and an electric mandolin by Kentucky. She likes to light up the electric mando with her take on the Santana version of Black Magic Woman. Toys from Shure (SM-7B), AKG (C460 w. CK61uls), and Zoom (G3XN).
Robert keeps up the low end, playing bass and occasionally adding some low vocals. Instruments include Fender Precision, Yamaha BB404, and an Ashbory. Toys from EV (RE27nd), Zoom (an MS-60B and G1Four), Darkglass (X7), and Ampeg. His cabinets are of his own design and construction.
Robert also keeps an eye (or more appropriately, an ear) on the sound. With many years of experience running front of house and managing broadcast, as well as production, studios, he has a keen interest in making the whole show sound its best.